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Measuring at home infographic launched

Measuring at home infographic launched

It’s International Children’s Growth Awareness Day!

A very special day in our calendar to highlight the importance of child measuring, the support available to those with a diagnosis or those with a concern and the information organisations like us provide.

As part of International Children’s Growth Awareness Day we’re launching our new infographic, Measuring at home.

You can read or download our infographic as a PDF here.

If you’d like to speak to our nursing team please contact our Support Line on 020 8995 0257 / [email protected].

‘What is Sotos Syndrome?’ – infographic launched

‘What is Sotos Syndrome?’ – infographic launched

Today, 6 September, marks this year’s Sotos Syndrome Awareness Day.

An important day in our annual calendar to raise awareness of this genetic overgrowth condition, caused by a change in the gene known as NSD1.

Sotos Syndrome is a variable condition – different people can be affected in different ways, and to different degrees. Common things to look out include rapid growth in childhood, distinctive facial features and learning difficulties, along with less frequent indications in babies and children.

As part of Sotos Syndrome Awareness Day, we are launching our new What is Sotos Syndrome? infographic. Read or download our infographic as a PDF here.

Sotos Syndrome is a variable condition – different Find out more about Sotos Syndrome at If you’d like to speak to our nursing team with your Sotos queries please contact our Support Line on 020 8995 0257.

European Hormone Day

European Hormone Day

Today is European Hormone Day. A dedicated day bringing together the European endocrine community to raise awareness.

You can access our information about conditions we support, including Growth Hormone Deficiency, Primary IGF-1 Deficiency, Hypopituitarism and Precocious Puberty, here on our website where we have a range of information pages and booklets, along with some great video resources from our Growth Nurse Specialist Sally over on our YouTube channel

Need to speak to someone? We are here to listen and support you. Call our support line on 020 8995 0257 or email us at [email protected].

For more support and resources you can visit ‘You and your hormones‘, an online education resource from the Society for Endocrinology. You can also find out about other European Hormone Day plans on the European Society of Endocrinology website.

Inequalities in the assessment of childhood short stature

Inequalities in the assessment of childhood short stature

A paper has been published in the British Journal of General Practice highlighting the varied inequalities in the assessment of childhood stature, including systematic gender and racial biases.

As the paper shares; early detection of short stature is key to optimising health outcomes, however, there are significant social disparities in the assessment of childhood short stature.

We have shared some of the key issues raised below. You can read the full paper here.

“There are significant social disparities in the assessment of childhood short stature. This presents additional challenges and it is crucial that clinicians recognise issues relating to gender, race, and poverty to improve timely diagnosis and reduce health inequalities.”

“Girls are less frequently referred from primary care for assessment of short stature, yet often have more severe growth failure at presentation and have higher rates of underlying pathology compared with boys.”

“Bias inherent in health professionals also contributes to disparities in the investigation and treatment of short stature. White children, especially those from higher socioeconomic groups, are not only more frequently referred for concerns about growth but are also more likely to be offered growth hormone (GH) stimulation testing than children of other ethnicities.”

“Although the assessment and treatment of short stature should be driven by clinical concern, biased clinical decision making is disadvantaging girls and some ethnic minority groups, especially Black children. Paradoxically, these groups have the greatest need.”

“These systematic racial and gender biases in clinicians and families are often unconscious, but must be acknowledged and tackled before healthcare inequalities can be addressed.”

“Raising awareness of the health disparities in the assessment of childhood short stature in caregivers, primary, secondary, and specialist clinicians is key to addressing these issues.”

The team at Child Growth Foundation are proactively working on how we can support this work needed to address these inequalities and the challenges these inequalities bring to many children and families.

Two of the paper’s co-authors are CGF’s Medical Advisors, Professor Helen L Storr and Professor Justin Davies, with the paper featuring quotes kindly shared from the CGF community of families. Thanks to them and to all involved in this paper for raising these important issues.

The authors of this paper have also published ‘Assessment of childhood short stature: a GP guide’ which is also available on the British Journal of General Practice.

Name change for Solu-Cortef

Name change for Solu-Cortef

We have been in contact with Pfizer who have advised the CGF that the previously named ‘Solu-Cortef’ hydrocortisone injection has been re-named.

The previously named Solu-Cortef has been de-branded and will now be known as it’s generic name, ‘Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100MG Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion 1X2ML (vial with Diluent)’.

The generic version is identical to the branded version, Solu-Cortef, in terms of formulation and presentation. Whilst existing supplies are distributed and used there may still be ‘Solu-Cortef in supply. However, over time this branded version will be replaced by Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100MG Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion 1X2ML (vial with Diluent).

If you have further queries about your medication or about your condition please contact your healthcare team. If you’d like any further support please contact our support line on 020 8995 0257 or email us at [email protected].

Child Growth Foundation

c/o Kinnair Associates Limited
Aston House
Redburn Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

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