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Event Code of Conduct


The Child Growth Foundation (CGF) is committed to ensuring that all event participants and organisers – including, but not limited to, staff, trustees, volunteers, attendees and speakers – experience a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment at our events, whether in person and/or online.

This Code of Conduct aims to ensure that the rights of all involved are respected, and the privacy and safety of children and adults at risk of harm are prioritised, with this Code of Conduct outlining the expected behaviour and responsibilities of all participants and the steps to address any concerns that may arise during our events.


This Code of Conduct applies to all CGF events, including in-person and virtual gatherings, workshops, and meetings. It covers the behaviour of all involved, with particular attention to safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm.


Child refers to all young people who have not yet reached their 18th birthday, relating to England, Wales & Northern Ireland. In Scotland the legal definition applies to someone who has not yet reached their 16th birthday.

Adult at Risk of Harm refers to anyone over the age of 18 (16 in Scotland) who is unable to look after their own wellbeing, property, rights, or other interests and is at risk of harm (either from their own behaviour or that of another person) due to disability, illness, physical or mental infirmity.

Safeguarding is an umbrella term for ‘looking out for’ the wellbeing of children and adults at risk.

Expected behaviour

  1. Respectful communication:
  • Treat everyone with kindness, respect, and empathy, regardless of age, background, beliefs, or abilities.
  • Avoid language or actions that are discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate.
  1. Safe and inclusive environment:
  • Promote a welcoming and inclusive space for children, adults at risk of harm, families, and all attendees.
  • Be mindful of diverse needs, including accessibility and accommodations.
  1. Appropriate interaction with children and adults at risk of harm:
  • Follow safeguarding protocols and act in the best interests of children and adults at risk of harm at all times.
  • Avoid any behaviour that could be perceived as inappropriate, harmful, or exploitative.
  • Do not engage in one-to-one interactions with children or adults at risk of harm without proper safeguarding measures in place.
  1. Compliance with event rules
  • Adhere to event schedules, instructions, and guidelines provided by organisers.
  • Respect physical and virtual boundaries, such as not entering restricted areas or disrupting online sessions.
  1. Technology etiquette for virtual events
  • Use appropriate language and behaviour during virtual sessions.
  • Ensure the use of a private, quiet space for participation, especially when interacting with children or adults at risk of harm.
  • Do not record, screenshot, or share event content without prior permission from organisers.
  • It is advised to join the meeting on mute, to avoid background noise.
  • Use the ‘raise hand’ button to highlight when you’d like to speak.
  • Use the chat function appropriately, avoiding sharing any unrelated or promotional information and links.

Health and Safety

  • Attendees have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety when attending events and have a responsibility to ensure the safety of others if affected by their own activities.
  • It is not permitted to use equipment unless authorised by the organiser.
  • It is not permitted to enter any restricted areas.
  • Children should attend under supervision of a responsible adult.

Prohibited conduct

  • Harassment, bullying, or discrimination of any kind.
  • Aggressive, disruptive, or unsafe behaviour.
  • Sharing inappropriate content, including offensive images, videos, or messages.
  • Breach of safeguarding policies or privacy rules concerning children or adults at risk of harm.


  • Organisers: Ensure the event adheres to safeguarding policies, provide clear guidelines, and act promptly on concerns.
  • Speakers, staff, trustees and volunteers: Serve as role models by upholding the highest standards of conduct and ensuring content is age-appropriate and respectful.
  • Attendees and participants: Act responsibly, respecting the rules and fostering a positive environment for all participants, especially children and adults at risk of harm.

Safeguarding measures

All interactions with children and adults at risk of harm must follow the CGF’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, including:

  • Ensuring proper supervision at all times.
  • Avoiding one-to-one interactions without safeguarding measures.

Imagery and videography

To protect the privacy and safety of all participants, particularly children and adults at risk of harm, the following rules apply to all imagery and videography at our events:

  1. Consent:
  • Participants must not take photographs or videos of children or adults at risk of harm without prior consent from their parent, guardian, or the individual themselves (if they are an adult with capacity to consent).
  • Organisers will ensure that all event photography and videography is conducted with the informed consent of participants.
  1. Event-specific guidelines:
  • At events where imagery and videography are planned, the CGF will provide clear information to attendees about when and where filming will take place.
  • Areas where photography or filming is strictly prohibited will be clearly marked, and participants are expected to respect these boundaries.
  1. Use of imagery:
  • Images and videos captured during the event by the CGF and/or appointed third parties e.g. official event photographer or videographer, will be used for the purposes outlined in the charity’s media consent form, available at:
  1. Prohibited practices:
  • No imagery or videography that compromises the dignity, privacy, or safety of participants will be tolerated.
  • Recording, live streaming, or taking screenshots during virtual events is strictly prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from organisers.
  1. Safeguarding and privacy:
  • Organisers will ensure that any imagery involving children or adults at risk of harm is handled securely and in line with the CGF’s safeguarding and privacy policies.
  • Participants may request the removal of their images or videos from organisational materials by emailing [email protected] or in writing to Child Growth Foundation, c/o Kinnair Associates Limited, Aston House, Redburn Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 1NB.

Reporting concerns

If you experience and/or witness behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct, please report it immediately to the event organiser or to the charity’s designated safeguarding lead (DSL):

Catriona Taylor, Charity Manager | [email protected] | 07492 562 221

All reports will be taken seriously and handled confidentially. 

Consequences of misconduct

Breach(es) of this Code of Conduct may result in:

  • A warning and/or request to modify behaviour.
  • Removal from the event without refund and/or compensation.
  • Referral to relevant authorities in cases of serious misconduct or legal violations.

Review and updates

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed at least every three years, to ensure it reflects best practices and remains effective.

-Last reviewed and updated January 2025