Educational resources for Healthcare Professionals
Title: Assessment of Childhood Short Stature – why it matters
Presenters: Professor Helen L Storr, Honorary Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist and Professor Justin Davies, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist
- Inequalities in the assessment of short stature
- Normal growth in childhood and adolescence, and the importance, prevalence and causes of short stature
- Growth measurement and when to refer
Title: Using childhood short stature to diagnose underlying pathology and multisystem disorders
Presenters: Professor Helen L Storr, Honorary Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist and Professor Justin Davies, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist
- How to assess and when and to refer childhood short stature – recognition of overlooked groups
- Why children with short stature following being born small for gestational age (SGA) demand extra scrutiny
- Selected examples of childhood short stature, associated with SGA, illustrating how short stature is a marker rare disease and genetic conditions
- How referral and diagnosis make a difference for long-term outcomes/health surveillance
External training resources
Training and education for healthcare professionals on weighing and measuring, growth charts and faltering growth
elearning for healthcare (elfh) has a library of training modules for the healthcare workforce. If you have an NHS OpenAthens login you can access relevant training and education via the elfh link on ‘my resources’ page.
To get started head to
For modules and education/training on growth, take the following steps:
1. Access Healthy Child Programme on elfh
2. Go to HCP 08 – Growth and Nutrition to access the following modules
-08-07 Weighing and Measuring Infants and Children
-08-08 Growth Charts and their interpretation
-08-09 Faltering Growth