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European Hormone Day

European Hormone Day

Today is European Hormone Day. A dedicated day bringing together the European endocrine community to raise awareness.

You can access our information about conditions we support, including Growth Hormone Deficiency, Primary IGF-1 Deficiency, Hypopituitarism and Precocious Puberty, here on our website where we have a range of information pages and booklets, along with some great video resources from our Growth Nurse Specialist Sally over on our YouTube channel

Need to speak to someone? We are here to listen and support you. Call our support line on 020 8995 0257 or email us at [email protected].

For more support and resources you can visit ‘You and your hormones‘, an online education resource from the Society for Endocrinology. You can also find out about other European Hormone Day plans on the European Society of Endocrinology website.