Virtual Support Groups
We are really excited to announce the launch of a new support group service. We are introducing ‘coffee and a chat’ virtual groups. A one-hour online meeting where you can get together to share support and information.
The groups will be condition specific, so will be directly relevant to you and we will be running groups for most, if not all, the growth conditions we support.
To run the groups across all conditions, we need the help of some eager volunteers. Would you like to be a virtual support group leader? The technology will be handled by the CGF so we are not after IT-wizards. What we do want is someone friendly and with good knowledge of the particular growth condition. If that is you and you have an hour or so to spare each month, please email us at: [email protected]
We will bring news of future groups on our website, but please also check out our social media pages.
The first group is for people connected to Multi-Pituitary Hormone Deficiency and is on:
Monday 15th June at 2.00pm
For safety reasons the groups are only open to Members of the CGF, either full or associate level. Full Membership is £25 for people in the UK, Associate Membership is free.
To become a member, please visit: Membership
To attend the Coffee and a Chat group, please email us at: [email protected]