Research Funding
The Child Growth Foundation (“CGF” or “Foundation”) aims to “promote and fund research into the causes and cure of growth and endocrine disorders, and publish the results”. The Foundation has been actively pursuing this aim for many years by funding numerous research projects. However, at recent Annual General Meetings, some criticism has been levelled at the trustees for a lack of transparency of the procedures by which grants are awarded and by which the subsequent results are evaluated and disseminated. Consequently, at the last meeting of the management committee, I agreed to review the current procedures to ensure that we are adopting best practice.
Source of funding
In recent years, most of the funding for research has been taken from unrestricted funds which are generated from various sources such as membership fees, donations and income generated from CGF Products. However, the CGF has also received donations from pharmaceutical companies to fund specific research projects. These donations are classed as restricted funds and cannot be used for any other purpose. The research grants are awarded, administered and evaluated by the Foundation on behalf of the pharmaceutical company. Research grants represent a significant proportion of annual expenditure and have exceeded fifty per cent of total expenditure in some years.
What do we fund?
The majority of recent grants have been awarded to universities or hospitals in the UK and projects have typically fallen into one of the following categories
- Fundamental research such as identifying a specific gene that is responsible for a particular growth disorder (e.g. Russell-Silver and Sotos Syndromes)
- Studying the long term consequences of an intervention (e.g. Growth Hormone Therapy)
- Investigating the behavioural and psychological effects associated with growth disorders (e.g. premature sexual maturation and Sotos Syndrome)
- Providing funds to allow families to take part in research studies (e.g. travel expenses)
In some cases, grants awarded by the CGF are used to supplement funding from another source or to support one aspect of a much larger research programme. Projects will only be considered if they accord with the aims of the CGF and will be favoured if they are of potential benefit to members with one of the growth conditions supported by the charity.
The decision process
Requests for funding are received by the CGF on an ad hoc basis and are usually discussed at meetings of the management committee. However, as these meeting are held at intervals of approximately six months, it is sometimes necessary for requests to be circulated to the trustees by email. The funding decision is taken by a vote of the trustees on the basis of a simple majority and in most cases the decision is unanimous.
CGF staff then inform the applicant of the trustees’ decision and, where successful, place an agreement with the institution. The principal investigator is required to confirm that ethical approval has been obtained (where necessary) and that copies of all publications arising from the work will be made available to the CGF.
The CGF will take steps to protect intellectual property when it is considered that the results of the project could be exploited financially.
Presenting the results
Successful academic research will typically be presented at conferences and published in peer reviewed journals. On-line access to recent academic publications is often restricted with relatively expensive subscriptions required to view the full papers. However, specialist knowledge is usually required to understand these papers. It is therefore essential that the results of research projects are presented to the membership in a format that is accessible to the lay person. This is typically achieved by inviting the principal investigators to present their work at the annual convention or to write an article for the newsletter. They are also required to submit a report with all invoices so that the CGF staff can confirm that satisfactory progress has been made.
It is important to distinguish between fundamental research and other projects such as epidemiological investigations. Research is by definition, an investigation of the unknown and positive outcomes can therefore not be guaranteed. However, it should always be possible to draw conclusions from the collection and analysis of a data set.
The future
The management committee considers that the current protocols associated with research funding are robust and that the CGF has obtained good value for money in most cases. However, there is always scope for improvement and the following measures will be adopted for future projects
- The management committee will appoint one trustee to have responsibility for overseeing research projects.
- When the value of a research grant exceeds £5k or when the project is of high profile, a trustee and/or a member of the CGF staff will hold regular review meetings with the principal investigator or their nominated deputy as specified in the research agreement.
- A report will be included in each newsletter giving an update on all current research projects. This will also be made available on the CGF web site.
- The management committee will be more proactive in the funding of research projects and will seek to identify topics that are of particular interest to the CGF. Suggestions from members would be most welcome. Requests for proposals will be announced and it is hoped that professional organisations such as BSPED will be prepared to assist the CGF in publicising and evaluating these proposals.
Current and recent projects
The following projects have received funding from the CGF in recent years.
Title: Investigation into the role of growth hormone on higher functioning in children
CGF Reference: GR07/01
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Mehul Dattani
Institution: University College, London
Funding Level: £322,000 (funding from Novo)
Duration: 2007 – 2012
Comments: An investigation of the effect of GH on brain development in children. The results showed that children with hypopituitarism displayed behavioural and cognitive difficulties and poor sleep patterns. These problems were linked to brain abnormalities as seen on MRI scans. The research has been published widely.
Title: Preterm Growth References
CGF Reference: GR07/02
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Neena Modi
Institution: Imperial College, London
Funding Level: £73,000
Duration: 2007 – 2012
Comments: The production of growth charts for preterm babies born at up to 34 weeks gestation. The preliminary data were presented by Professor Tim Cole at the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in 2011
Title: Behavioural and psychological problems in children with exaggerated adrenarche
CGF Reference: GR10/01
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Jeremy Kirk and Dr Gillian Harris
Institution: Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Funding Level: £60,000
Duration: 2010 – 2013 (not yet finished)
Comments: The project is progressing well and early results indicate that some patients with early puberty may display atypical eating behaviours and may have an increased risk of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and aggressive behaviour.
Title: Purchase of 3D body scanner for hospital
CGF Reference: GR10/02
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Jonathan Wells
Institution: University College, London
Funding Level: £17,000
Duration: March 2011
Comments: Donation of body scanner
Title: Ethnic differences in lung function in children
CGF Reference: GR10/03
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Janet Stocks & Dr S Lum
Institution: University College, London
Funding Level: £4,200
Duration: October 2010 – September 2011
Comments: An investigation by way of body composition studies to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of lung disease in children
Title: Early identification of childhood obesity
CGF Reference: GR10/04
Principal Investigator(s): Dr William Johnson
Institution: Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust
Funding Level: £6,163
Duration: Late 2010 – early 2011
Comments: Stage 1 of study into possibility of creating a prediction app (completed)
Title: Early identification of childhood obesity
CGF Reference: GR11/01
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Noel Cameron & Professor John Wright
Institution: Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust
Funding Level: £100,000 (approx.)
Duration: January 2011 – December 2012
Comments: Stages 2 and 3 – development of a prediction app. See report in this newsletter.
Title: Patient choice and “value added” items: influences in adherence with GH therapy
CGF Reference: GR11/02
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Jeremy Kirk
Institution: Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Funding Level: £20,000
Duration: February 2011 – December 2011
Comments: An investigation of the difference in growth outcomes in children offered a choice of GH therapy and those who were treated in hospital. The results show that the type of GH and the method of treatment had no significant effect on height SD, compared with children receiving no treatment after one year.
Title: Which early risk factors should be used to identify a baby’s risk of obesity?
CGF Reference: GR11/03
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Thomas Willis & Professor Mary Rudolf
Institution: Leeds General Infirmary & University of Leeds
Funding Level: £10,703
Duration: 3 months in 2011
Comments: An investigation of the factors that may predispose babies to obesity in later life. Factors such as parental obesity, weight centile, infant weight gain and smoking in pregnancy were all considered to be useful factors in the development of an obesity risk tool for use by health professionals.
Title: Adolescent obesity – from prevention to surgery
CGF Reference: GR12/01
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Buchanan and Mr Desai
Institution: Department of Paediatric Surgery, King’s College Hospital, London
Funding Level: £2,000
Duration: April 2012
Comments: Support for a workshop and symposium.
Title: Summer internships
CGF Reference: GR12/02
Principal Investigator(s): Prof Noel Cameron
Institution: Centre for Global Health and Human Development, Loughborough University
Funding Level: £4,680
Duration: July – August 2012
Comments: Support for an application to British Heart Foundation for financial support in respect of a project to determine the effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent overweight and obesity in pre-adolescent girls.
Title: A randomised study of two anti-thyroid drug treatment regimes in young people with thyrotoxicosis
CGF Reference: GR12/03
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Tim Cheetham
Institution: Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne
Funding Level: £20,000
Duration: November 2012 – November 2017 (but CGF only funded first 2 years)
Comments: Study started in 2004 and funding is needed to allow study to continue and hopefully complete so providing useful and novel data in a substantial number of children with a rare disorder.
Title: Long term effects of GH therapy
CGF Reference: GR12/04
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Gary Butler
Institution: Institute of Child Health, London
Funding Level: £22,300
Duration: Late 2012 – 2013 (not finished)
Comments: An investigation into the long term effects of GH therapy as part of the European SAGHE study.
Title: Metabolic outcomes in RSS
CGF Reference: GR12/05
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Renuka Dias
Institution: University of Birmingham
Funding Level: £5,000
Duration: Nov 2012 – Jan 2014 (not finished)
Comments: Grant was made to help with patient expenses for travel to Birmingham.
For more information about any of these projects please contact Ros Chaplin or Simon Lane.