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Over £1,000 raised by Cellnex UK team

A huge well done and thank you to the Site Negotiation and Legal team within Cellnex UK who raised over £1,000 walking, running, cycling and swimming the distance from Lands End to John O’Groats throughout the month of July in support of the CGF – incredible!

The team’s Delivery Manager Jess Dentry’s daughter Maeve, now two and a half years old, was diagnosed with Silver-Russell Syndrome at eight months old.

Jess shared the below on her JustGiving page:

“The Child Growth Foundation is a charity close to my heart. My daughter Maeve was diagnosed with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS) when she was 8 months old, after months of worry about her not gaining weight or growing at a normal rate. Having the diagnosis and the information available from the Child Growth Foundation answered so many of our endless questions and worries and put me in contact with so many other wonderful parents of children affected with rare growth conditions.”

Thanks so much to Jess and team for this amazing support inspired by Maeve! You can see their fundraising over on the team’s JustGiving page


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