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NICE Faltering Growth Quality Standard

NICE has published a quality standard for faltering growth

The faltering growth quality standard covers recognising and managing faltering growth in babies (aged up to 1 year) and preschool children (aged over 1 year). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. CGF trustee, Rachel Pidcock, was a lay member on the specialist committee and contributed towards the quality standard, the CGF was also a stakeholder in its development.

The standard aims to improve the identification, management and support related to faltering growth and focusses upon four core statements:

  1. Measurement: Babies and preschool children have their measurements plotted on a growth chart if there are concerns about faltering growth. You can download our measuring guidelines at MAKE EVERY CONTACT COUNT
  2. Feeding or eating history: Babies and preschool children have a detailed feeding or eating history taken if there are concerns about faltering growth.
  3. Management Plan: Babies and preschool children have a management plan with specific goals if there are concerns about faltering growth.
  4. Supporting breastfeeding: Mothers are supported to continue breastfeeding if their baby is given supplementation with formula because of concerns about faltering growth.

You find out more about the standard at this link: NICE Faltering Growth Quality Standard

Or, download the pdf HERE


NICE quality standards describe high-priority areas for quality improvement in a defined care or service area. Each standard consists of a prioritised set of specific, concise and measurable statements. NICE quality standards draw on existing NICE or NICE-accredited guidance that provides an underpinning, comprehensive set of recommendations, and are designed to support the measurement of improvement.

As part of the campaign we have a new dedicated page of our website for those with a concern about their child’s growth, at:

We have also launched a new section of our website with further information about childhood growth and with guidance and support for those with a concern about their child’s growth, at:

The campaign doesn’t stop there though and we will continue to roll this out over the coming weeks and months to spread this important message, and to ensure we can support as many children and families as possible. 

For those who would like to support the campaign please visit where we have more information and some downloadable resources to share including social media images and posters.

#LeaveNoShadowOfDoubt #TrustYourInstincts

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