NICE Faltering Growth Quality Standard
NICE has published a quality standard for faltering growth
The faltering growth quality standard covers recognising and managing faltering growth in babies (aged up to 1 year) and preschool children (aged over 1 year). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. CGF trustee, Rachel Pidcock, was a lay member on the specialist committee and contributed towards the quality standard, the CGF was also a stakeholder in its development.
The standard aims to improve the identification, management and support related to faltering growth and focusses upon four core statements:
- Measurement: Babies and preschool children have their measurements plotted on a growth chart if there are concerns about faltering growth. You can download our measuring guidelines at MAKE EVERY CONTACT COUNT
- Feeding or eating history: Babies and preschool children have a detailed feeding or eating history taken if there are concerns about faltering growth.
- Management Plan: Babies and preschool children have a management plan with specific goals if there are concerns about faltering growth.
- Supporting breastfeeding: Mothers are supported to continue breastfeeding if their baby is given supplementation with formula because of concerns about faltering growth.
You find out more about the standard at this link: NICE Faltering Growth Quality Standard
Or, download the pdf HERE
NICE quality standards describe high-priority areas for quality improvement in a defined care or service area. Each standard consists of a prioritised set of specific, concise and measurable statements. NICE quality standards draw on existing NICE or NICE-accredited guidance that provides an underpinning, comprehensive set of recommendations, and are designed to support the measurement of improvement.